Synthchaser LinnDrum 5VSR Power Supply Board Replacement


SKU: synthchaser-linndrum-5vsr-power-supply Categories: ,


Most LinnDrums I work on have damage to the 5V power supply board from leaked NiCd batteries.  This is a drop in replacement for the 5V power supply board that addresses deficiencies I perceive in the other LinnDrum replacement power supplies that are available:

  • No modification needed to the LinnDrum – This is a straight board swap and doesn’t require desoldering from or invasive modifications to the main board of the LinnDrum.  Please note, this supply is designed for LinnDrums with the common 7 pin connector to the 5V board, please confirm compatibility before ordering.
  • User installable – No adjustments or calibration needed, just disconnect one cable, unscrew the old board, drop in the new one, and you’re good to go.
  • All through hole, off the shelf parts – Commonly available through hole parts mean this supply will be serviceable in the future.
  • Low cost – A simple, non over-engineered design translates to a low cost and higher reliability without sacrificing performance.  More and more people are selling retrofit synth power supplies based around cheap pre-made Meanwell supplies but charging ridiculous prices for them as if they built them from scratch out of solid gold.
  • Easily replaceable batteries – Batteries are no longer soldered to the board and are easily replaceable and readily obtainable should they stop holding a charge years down the line.  We recommend using 3x AA NiMh batteries.  Batteries are not included due to restrictions on shipping.
  • Synthchaser LED Slider Support – Includes a power port to easily illuminate the optional kick-ass Synthchaser LED Illuminated slider upgrade.
  • Made in the USA, ships from the USA


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